
Thanks for your interests in this wonderful, interesting and lovely human being. He lives with two equally lovely cats adopted from Atlanta Humane Society, Gauss and Kolmo.



Gauss and Kolmo

He tried to enjoy some sports to stay healthy and live longer. Mountain biking was somehow the one survived his laziness. He’s still improving his overall fitness level and skills to be good at it. Though one lesson he has learned was it’s questionable to say at least if mountain biking can actually make one live longer but not the other way around.

He plays various kinds of games as well. Base-building games like Factorio and Oxygen Not Included are probably his favorite and go-to games. He also enjoyed (not anymore) playing some e-sport games, like DotA. He used to play at a competitive level in DotA at around 7000 rank score, which is roughly ranked 1000th in North and South America combined and top 5000 in the world. This journey contributed to his desire of research in developing a better and more comprehensive game matching/ranking system, which still remains a desire today. Games helped him to live through some of the hardest time of the boy’s life. But now, in the not so hard period, he still plays way too much than he should because of his addiction. But as he got older, he started to enjoy watching Netflix more, which is less time-consuming, less stressful and less toxic!